Know more. Do more. That’s what we live by. 

We are fighting for you by breaking down the barriers facing time in range adoption, and ensuring that every person with diabetes has the tools they need to live the life they want.

When you use time in range to manage your glucose levels, every day can be a winning one. Our goal isn’t just to make your care easier, it’s to make your life better. And we don’t just mean today or tomorrow, we’re in this for the long run.

Try to picture what your life would look like if you could spend less time managing your diabetes care, and more time focused on your family, your friends, your career, or even your plants. It’s a nice thought, right? But it doesn’t have to be a dream. With time in range, it can be your reality. 

So what are we doing to make it happen? 

People with Diabetes

Our long-term mission is to ensure that time in range becomes the primary glucose metric for daily diabetes management, complemented by A1C, for all people with diabetes across the globe. We are working to: 

  • Increase awareness of time in range so people with diabetes know that there are easy, accessible tools available that can make them feel better physically and mentally. We want people with diabetes to feel empowered!
  • Educate people with diabetes about the impact of using time in range to make treatment and lifestyle decisions, improve quality of life and outcomes, and reduce health complications. When you feel better, you live better. 
  • Increase access to time in range data to empower people with diabetes to make their own real-time decisions in their diabetes care.

   Our Goal for 2024: Make time in range a household name. 

Healthcare Professionals

We want time in range to become healthcare professionals’ primary glucose metric for daily diabetes management and treatment decisions, complemented by A1C. We are working to: 

  • Enhance healthcare professionals’ understanding of glucose metrics (A1C, CGM metrics, and alternative markers of glucose control) through the insights provided by time in range—when you know more, you can do more!
  • Support improvements in office workflow to increase comfort and effectiveness in prescribing, using, and educating patients on available therapies and technology.
  • Drive integration of time in range in clinical diabetes management.

Our Goal for 2024: Increase digital investments to help drive awareness and application of time in range among general practitioners and specialists. 

Regulatory & Policy

We want to establish time in range as a clinically meaningful endpoint in clinical trials and labeling products. We are working to: 

  • Increase awareness of TIR and its implications for PWD to global regulatory agencies.
  • Reduce barriers to diabetes technology access for all people with diabetes.
  • Engage with researchers to increase clinical and patient-reported evidence supporting TIR as a clinically meaningful endpoint.
  • Further uplift established initiatives working to support time in range globally

Our Goal for 2024: Further identify barriers to integrating time in range as an endpoint by regulators and continue implementing strategies to address those barriers with the FDA and EMA.