For those use time in range every day.
There's a lot to know about time in range—and we're here to help you make your life even easier with time range!

Understanding your AGP report
Step-by-step instructions for understanding your AGP report right at home...

How to use your AGP report to increase your time in range (video)
Dr. Carlson uses real-world examples to discuss how to use your AGP to inform your care...

10 ways to increase your time in range
Check out Steve Edelman's advice on increasing time in range...

How to spend more time in your target blood sugar range
Check out Diabetes What's Next's guide on spending more time in range...

Using the GMI to Estimate Your A1C: How Accurate Is It?
The GMI provides a clue as to what your next A1C result might be...

Have you heard of time in tight range?
Time in tight range has shown to decrease diabetes complications—and so much more...

What questions should I ask when looking at my ambulatory glucose profile (AGP) report?
Fully understanding your AGP report can help you feel more in control of your diabetes care...

10 hacks that make it virtually impossible to ignore (or sleep through) CGM alerts
Check out these hacks so you never miss a glucose alert again...

Using time in range to empower you at your next healthcare appointment
How can time in range help reduce diabetes stigma and empower you...

Expert insights on time in range
Hear what leading diabetes professionals think about time in range...

Medicines, vitamins, and procedures than affect your time in range
Certain medications, substances & procedures can affect CGM accuracy...

Mobile apps that can help improve time in range
Apps can help monitor and improve your diabetes care, including your time in range...

Remember, your time in range isn't a grade
Time in range isn't a grade—it's a tool to help you feel BETTER...

Shedding Light on the AGP Report With Dr. Rich Bergenstal
Learn ways to use your AGP to optimize your CGM data...

ADA's Patient Education Library
Find free resources and articles on time in range and other diabetes metrics through ADA...

Glucose monitoring tips and tricks
Helpful hints on how making time in range and glucose monitoring work for you...

42 factors that can affect your time in range
Did you know that there are 42 factors that can affect your blood glucose? Check them out...

Connect with the diabetes online community (DOC)
The DOC is an online home for anyone and everyone who has been touched by diabetes...

Check out the TIRC resource hub
Check out our full resources hub on everything time in range...